Guangdong: About 12 million kW of newly added solar photovoltaic power generation project put into operation

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On May 22, the Guangdong Provincial Energy Bureau issued a notice on the implementation plan for promoting high-quality energy development in Guangdong Province. The notice pointed out that about 8 million kilowatts of offshore wind power projects such as Yangjiang Sand Grill, Shanwei Jiazi, Shantou Lemen, Jieyang Shenquan, Huizhou Port, Zhanjiang Wailuo and Zhuhai Jinwan were added. Construction of about 12 million kilowatts of offshore wind power projects such as Yangjiang Qingzhou, Yangjiang Fanshi, Shanwei Red Bay and Zhuhai Gaolan. The new solar photovoltaic power generation project is about 12 million kilowatts.

On May 22, the Guangdong Provincial Energy Bureau issued a notice on the implementation plan for promoting high-quality energy development in Guangdong Province. The notice pointed out that about 8 million kilowatts of offshore wind power projects such as Yangjiang Sand Grill, Shanwei Jiazi, Shantou Lemen, Jieyang Shenquan, Huizhou Port, Zhanjiang Wailuo and Zhuhai Jinwan were added. Construction of about 12 million kilowatts of offshore wind power projects such as Yangjiang Qingzhou, Yangjiang Fanshi, Shanwei Red Bay and Zhuhai Gaolan. The new solar photovoltaic power generation project is about 12 million kilowatts.

Bigger and stronger advantageous industries. We will expand and strengthen the offshore wind power equipment manufacturing industry, accelerate the formation of a high-end equipment manufacturing base integrating the whole machine manufacturing and the manufacturing of key components such as blades, motors, gearboxes and bearings, as well as the processing and production of large steel structures and submarine cables, and lay out the offshore wind power operation and maintenance base in advance. Continuously expand the solar energy industry, support photovoltaic equipment, inverters, packaging, slurry and other enterprises to become bigger and stronger, focus on supporting the production of high-efficiency and low-cost crystalline silicon solar cells and the manufacture of key equipment, and promote the research and development of advanced technologies such as perovskite and laminated cells, flexible thin film cells, and photovoltaic module recycling. Reinforce the short board of core equipment such as battery chips, enhance the independent production capacity of high-efficiency battery chip manufacturing equipment, and strengthen the photovoltaic industry chain.

The original text reads as follows:

The Development and Reform Bureau (Commission) at or above the prefecture level, the Energy and Key Projects Bureau of Huizhou City, and the relevant energy enterprises:

In order to implement the work deployment of the state, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government on high-quality development, and effectively promote the high-quality development of energy in Guangdong Province, we have studied and formulated the implementation plan for promoting high-quality energy development in Guangdong Province, which is now printed and distributed to you. Please take into account the actual situation and do a good job of implementation.

Energy Bureau of Guangdong Province

22 May 2023

Implementation Plan for Promoting High-quality Energy Development in Guangdong Province


High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Energy is the foundation and driving force for economic and social development, and high-quality energy development is an inevitable requirement for high-quality economic and social development and a strong support for Chinese-style modernization. In order to implement the work deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on high-quality development, and make every effort to promote the high-quality development of energy in our province, this implementation plan is specially formulated.

General 1. requirements

(I) guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on energy work, based on the new development stage, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, Earnestly implement the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", with energy security as the primary task, and energy green and low-carbon as the development direction, with energy reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, we will promote changes in the quality, efficiency and power of energy development, speed up the construction of a new energy system, and achieve safer, greener, more efficient and higher-quality energy development. to provide solid energy security for the sustained, healthy and high-quality development of the economy and society.

(II) basic principles.

-- Adhering to overall coordination and green development. Grasp the development situation at home and abroad, strengthen the top-level design, earnestly implement the carbon peak and carbon neutral target requirements, insist on establishing first and then breaking, overall planning, handle the relationship between short-term and long-term, development and emission reduction, accelerate the optimization and adjustment of energy structure, and promote development The green transformation of the mode of development will unswervingly follow the high-quality development path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon.

-- Adhering to pluralistic complementarity, wisdom and high efficiency. Promote the coordinated development of multiple energy varieties, strengthen multi-channel and multi-subject energy supply, build a diversified energy security system, and ensure the security of energy supply. We will promote the construction of "multi-energy complementarity" and "integration of source, network, load and storage", promote the deep integration of energy with advanced information technologies such as the Internet, artificial intelligence and blockchain, build a smart energy system and promote the efficient operation of the energy system.

-- Adhere to innovation leadership and reform empowerment. Adhere to innovation as the first driving force to lead the high-quality development of energy, continue to increase investment in energy science and technology innovation, strive to crack the key technologies that restrict energy development, build a high-end energy innovation platform, and promote energy science and technology self-reliance. We will promote the development and application of new technologies, new models and new formats, accelerate the pace of reform in key areas and key links, and improve the efficiency of energy resource allocation.

-- Insisting on market-led and government-driven. We should give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, deepen the reform of energy marketization, promote the innovation of energy system and mechanism, and build a fair, open, competitive and orderly energy market system. Give better play to the role of the government, strengthen guidance in planning guidance, policy support, and market supervision, and create a good development environment.

(III) the main objective.

By 2025, significant progress will be made in high-quality energy development, energy security capabilities will be greatly improved, energy green and low-carbon transformation will achieve remarkable results, new energy development models and new formats will burst out, independent innovation of key core technologies will achieve breakthroughs, and reforms in key areas and key links Substantial progress has been made, coordinated resource allocation capabilities are orderly and smooth, energy development is more efficient, fairer and more sustainable, and better meets the energy needs of the people for a better life. The diversified and safe energy supply system has been further improved. The installed power capacity of the province has reached 0.26 billion kilowatts, of which non-fossil energy power generation accounts for about 44%. Non-fossil energy has become the main body of energy consumption increment, with the proportion of consumption reaching about 29%. The level of electrification is leading in the country, and the proportion of electric energy in terminal energy consumption has increased to about 40%.

2. comprehensively build a safe, efficient, clean and low-carbon energy supply system

(I) is fully committed to ensuring the security of energy supply.

1. Strengthen oil and gas supply guarantee.

Intensify the exploration and development of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea, accelerate the exploration and development of oil and gas fields such as CNOOC Wushi 17-2 and CNOOC Enping, and strive to increase the storage and production of oil and gas resources. By 2025, crude oil production will exceed 18 million tons/year and natural gas production will reach about 10 billion cubic meters/year. Promote the construction of LNG receiving terminals and supporting terminals, pipelines and other facilities. We will strengthen strategic cooperation in natural gas, encourage the signing of long-term procurement agreements in the international market in a stable and orderly manner, improve the market-oriented adjustment mechanism, expand diversified procurement channels, and ensure a stable supply of overseas imports. Organize upstream gas supply enterprises to sign gas supply contracts with users in an all-round way, implement annual and heating season resources through contracts, and ensure full coverage of contracts for people's livelihood. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, relevant oil and gas enterprises)

2. Ensure the supply of coal.

We will strengthen convergence and cooperation with major domestic coal-producing provinces and regions, increase the annual number of medium-and long-term contracts signed for domestic thermal coal, standardize contract signing and performance, urge both supply and demand parties to fulfill medium-and long-term contracts on time and in quantity, strengthen overall coordination of transport capacity, and ensure long-term and stable supply of coal. Implement the national coal import policy, broaden coal import channels, promote the facilitation of customs clearance of imported coal in various customs areas, and make every effort to ensure the demand for imported coal for power generation in our province. Improve the real-time monitoring and early warning system for coal in Guangdong Province, and urge coal and electricity enterprises in the province to implement the minimum coal inventory system required by the state. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, relevant coal storage and transportation enterprises, relevant power plants)

3. Improve the ability of power operation and regulation.

Continuously optimize power operation scheduling. Improve the power supply and demand monitoring and early warning linkage mechanism, strengthen power generation operation and fuel supply monitoring. Strengthen the operation and maintenance management of power generation and transmission equipment and the guarantee of primary fuel supply, ensure the stable and reliable operation of unified units, and tap the peak power generation potential of local units and self-contained power plants. Normalization to strengthen the unit unplanned reduction of force monitoring and early warning, to ensure that the dry flood alternation, peak summer, peak winter and other key periods of the backbone of the unit full. Optimize the operation mode of the system, strengthen the intelligent construction of dispatching, and promote the construction of a new intelligent dispatching operation system adapted to the development of new energy. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau)

Improve demand-side responsiveness. Accelerate the construction and application of new power load management systems, reserve a number of efficient, fast and controllable load regulation capabilities, and achieve precise load control and user normalization and refined energy management. We will improve the market-oriented mechanism of power demand response, improve the demand response capability, support user-side adjustable resources such as user-side energy storage, electric vehicle charging and exchanging infrastructure, distributed power generation, and load aggregators, virtual power plant operators, integrated energy service providers, etc. to participate in market-oriented demand response, build a real-time, measurable and controllable demand response system platform, and strive to achieve 5% of the maximum load in 2025. (Provincial Energy Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Exchange Center)

4. Strengthen energy reserve capacity building.

Actively promote the construction of coal storage and transportation capacity. Establish a coal reserve system that combines public coal storage and transportation at ports with the own reserves of large coal-using enterprises such as power plants. Completed the expansion project of the National Energy Coal Storage and Transportation Center in the Gaolan Port Area of Zhuhai Port; built and expanded coal berths at Zhanjiang Port and Yangjiang Port, and improved the coal receiving and transit reserve cascade system. Encourage and support the backbone coal-fired power plants in the province to further improve their coal storage capacity by transforming existing coal storage facilities and expanding coal storage sites. Strive to reach 33 million tons of coal reserves in the province by 2025, continue to improve the government's dispatchable coal reserve capacity in accordance with national requirements, and complete the government dispatchable reserve task of 6 million tons. (Provincial Energy Bureau, relevant municipal energy authorities, relevant coal storage and transportation enterprises, relevant power plants)

Increase gas storage capacity. Establish and improve a multi-level natural gas storage peak shaving and emergency response system in which local governments, gas supply companies, pipeline and transportation companies, and urban gas companies are each responsible. Coordinate the planning and layout of underground gas storage, liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving stations and other gas storage facilities to form a multi-level gas storage peak shaving system with coastal LNG storage tanks as the main, alternative energy sources and other adjustment means as the supplement, and pipe network interconnection as the support. In 2023 and beyond, governments at or above the county level will form a reserve capacity of not less than the five-day average daily consumption of the administrative region, and urban gas enterprises will form a reserve capacity of not less than 5% of their annual gas consumption. (Provincial Energy Bureau, relevant municipal energy authorities, relevant natural gas enterprises)

Improve the oil reserve system. Steadily build the three major crude oil commercial reserve bases in Zhanjiang, Maoming and Jieyang, and accelerate the formation of an oil reserve system that organically combines and complements government reserves, corporate social responsibility reserves and production and operation inventories, and combines physical reserves, capacity reserves and other reserves. (Provincial Energy Bureau, relevant municipal energy authorities, relevant petroleum enterprises)

5. Improve the energy transmission network.

Strengthen the construction of power grids. Steadily promote the construction of the target grid of the province's power grid, adhere to the principle of "reasonable zoning, flexible interconnection, safety and controllability, openness and mutual assistance", and gradually build a 500 kV outer ring network in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as the support, the Pearl River Delta between the east and west flexible DC interconnection of the main grid pattern. Optimize and upgrade the regional grid, strengthen the coordination of network sources, and optimize the transmission channels of offshore wind power, nuclear power, coal power, gas power and other power base. Accelerate the construction, transformation and intelligent upgrading of power distribution infrastructure and new energy microgrids, improve the access interaction and flexible control capabilities with distributed energy, electric vehicles and microgrids, and meet high-quality and personalized electricity demand. Vigorously implement rural power grid consolidation and upgrading projects, rural electrification projects, improve the reliability of rural power grid power supply and voltage qualification rate, strengthen rural power infrastructure and public service layout, and help build livable, industrial and beautiful villages. (Provincial Energy Bureau, relevant municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau)

Strengthen the construction of oil and gas pipelines. Focusing on improving the layout of the pipeline network and strengthening the connection and interconnection, we will speed up the planning and construction of the infrastructure of the oil and gas pipeline network, build an oil and gas pipeline network system with reasonable layout, extensive coverage, smooth external and internal communication, and safe and efficient, so as to improve the ability of mutual aid and supply. Optimize the layout of crude oil and refined oil pipelines, increase the proportion of refined oil pipelines, and strengthen the cross-regional allocation of refined oil. Strengthen the information and intelligent construction of oil and gas infrastructure, and further improve the management level of pipeline system. Vigorously promote the construction and integration of natural gas pipeline network, accelerate the formation of "the province a network". (Provincial Energy Bureau, relevant municipal energy authorities, relevant oil and gas enterprises)

Column 2 Energy Security Project

1. Oil and gas exploration: focus on the construction of CNOOC Wushi 17-2, CNOOC Enping and other oil and gas field group development projects.

2. Power grid: the construction and commissioning of the second phase of the target grid projects such as the 500 kV line project for the southwest outer ring of Zhuhai, the 500 kV power receiving channel project for the southwest of Dongguan, and the 500 kV local grid optimization project for the southeast of Zhuhai; Construction and commissioning of 500 kV Chuting (Suixi), Dianbai, Chenghai and Shanwei power transmission and transformation projects, as well as Jiangmen 500 kV Aofeng switching station expansion of the first main transformer project; construction and commissioning of backbone power transmission projects such as the Dongguan 220 kV Ningzhou Power Plant Access System Project and the 500 kV Huizhou Taipingling Nuclear Power Phase I Access System Project, and accelerate the promotion of new planned coal power and offshore wind power transmission projects; construction of southeast Tibet To the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area ± 800 kV UHV DC transmission project.

3. Oil and gas pipeline network: the construction of the eastern Guangdong main natural gas pipeline network Huizhou-Haifeng trunk line and other natural gas trunk pipeline improvement projects, the Sui-Guan trunk line and the Zhuzhong River trunk line interconnection project, Huizhou Yangjiang, Huaying and other LNG receiving reserve project export pipeline, gas power plant gas supply line and other projects.

4. Energy reserves: commercial reserves in Zhanjiang, Maoming and Jieyang will be built and put into operation; Shenzhen LNG Receiving Station, Chaozhou Huaying LNG Receiving Station, Guangdong Zhuhai LNG Expansion Project Phase II Project, Huizhou LNG Receiving Station Project, Chaozhou Fujian-Guangdong Economic Cooperation Zone LNG Storage and Distribution Station, Yangjiang LNG Peak Shaving Gas Storage, Guangzhou Nansha LNG Emergency Peak Shaving Gas Source Station, etc.

(II) build a clean and low-carbon new energy system.

1. Vigorously develop renewable energy.

Large-scale development of offshore wind power. Promote the centralized and contiguous development and utilization of offshore wind energy resources to build an offshore wind power base in Guangdong; accelerate the construction of offshore wind power sites that have been included in the plan; promote the pilot demonstration of the state-managed sea area site project in an orderly manner, and organize the competitive allocation of new project owners and The demonstration and development of state-managed sea area projects. (Relevant municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, relevant renewable energy development enterprises)

Actively develop photovoltaic power generation. Adhere to centralized and distributed simultaneously, vigorously develop distributed photovoltaics, and build centralized photovoltaic power plant projects according to local conditions. Actively promote the application of photovoltaic power generation in key areas such as public buildings, industrial parks, infrastructure, agriculture and rural areas. (Relevant municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, relevant renewable energy development enterprises)

Develop onshore wind power and biomass energy according to local conditions. Combined with resource conditions, in areas far away from residential areas and rich in wind energy resources, the appropriate development of centralized onshore wind power, according to local conditions to develop decentralized onshore wind power. Develop biomass energy according to local conditions, and make overall plans for waste incineration power generation, agricultural and forestry biomass power generation, and bio-natural gas project development. (Relevant municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, relevant renewable energy development enterprises)

Promote new energy power generation projects and do the same. Co-ordinate new energy power generation, supporting energy storage, send out the project synchronous planning, synchronous construction, synchronous operation. By 2025, the province's renewable energy power generation capacity reached 79 million kilowatts. (Relevant municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, relevant renewable energy development enterprises)

2. Actively develop nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner.

On the premise of ensuring safety, we will orderly promote the construction of Huizhou Taipingling Nuclear Power Phase I, Lufeng Nuclear Power Units 5 and 6, and Lianjiang Nuclear Power Phase I, and make every effort to promote Huizhou Nuclear Power Units 3 and 4 and Lufeng Nuclear Power Units 1 and 2 The project was approved by the state as soon as possible, and actively seek national support for the Maoming Green Energy Project, Taishan Nuclear Power Units 5 and 6, and Taishan Second Nuclear Power Project to be included in the national nuclear power development plan and preliminary work, support the rolling development of existing site expansion projects such as Lianjiang, Lufeng and Lingao, and promote the preliminary work of planned sites such as Jieyang and Yangxi. By 2025, the installed capacity of nuclear power will reach 18.54 million kilowatts. (Relevant municipal energy authorities, China General Nuclear Power Corporation, State Power Investment Corporation, China National Nuclear Corporation)

3. Accelerate the layout of the construction of pumped storage power stations.

Actively promote the construction of Meizhou Phase II, Yunfu Shuiyuan Mountain, Shanwei Luhe, Zhaoqing Langjiang and other pumped storage power station projects. The construction of pumped storage power stations with key layout has a strong role in ensuring system security, promoting the large-scale development of new energy, and relatively superior economic indicators. The construction of small and medium-sized pumped storage power stations should be carried out according to local conditions. By 2025, the installed capacity of pumped storage power generation will reach 9.68 million kilowatts, and the construction scale will reach more than 9.8 million kilowatts. (Relevant municipal energy authorities, China Southern Power Grid, Provincial Energy Group, Shenzhen Energy Group, etc.)

4. Promote the development of new energy storage.

Actively expand the diversified application scenarios of new energy storage, promote the construction of "new energy storage", plan and guide the rational layout of independent energy storage, and encourage the development of user-side energy storage. Improve the new energy storage participation in the power market mechanism and power grid dispatching operation mechanism, establish and improve energy storage standards and norms, and improve the quality of energy storage construction and operational safety level. Actively promote the innovation of new energy storage technology, promote the integration of new energy storage and large data centers, 5G base stations, digital power grids and other new infrastructure applications, and support the integration of source network storage, multi-energy complementarity, virtual power plants and other pilot, demonstration. By 2025, the installed energy storage capacity will reach 3 million kilowatts. (Municipal energy authorities, relevant energy storage enterprises)

5. Strengthen the construction of the bottom guarantee power supply.

Promote flexible gas and electricity construction. Comprehensive consideration of peak demand, construction conditions, natural gas resource security situation, in the load center reasonable planning layout of the construction of peak gas power. Guide the newly-built gas-electric unit to be equipped with FCB function, with isolated network operation capability and black start function, so as to improve the disaster resistance guarantee capability; Actively plan and build disaster resistance guarantee power supply in Shanwei, Zhanjiang and Maoming. In areas with high heat load demand such as industrial parks and industrial clusters, the natural gas cogeneration and distributed energy station projects are rationally arranged in accordance with the principle of "heat to determine electricity", and central heating, power supply, and cooling are implemented for the region to achieve energy Efficient recycling. By 2025, the scale of gas and electricity will reach about 55 million kilowatts. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, relevant power generation enterprises)

Reasonable construction of advanced support coal power. Gradually promote the transformation of coal power from basic power supply to basic guarantee and system regulation power supply. Based on my country's coal-based resource endowment, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the planning and construction of new coal-fired power projects will be promoted in accordance with the principle of "first establishment and then reform, ultra-supercritical, and no new site selection. For coal-fired power units that have expired in service, combined with the power and heat supply and demand situation and the condition of the units, they are classified and disposed of in accordance with the methods of life extension, "shutdown without dismantling" to emergency standby and shutdown and demolition. Promote energy saving and consumption reduction, heating transformation and flexibility transformation of existing coal-fired power units, promote the extensive participation of coal-fired self-owned power plants in power peak adjustment, and promote the development of CCUS technology for coal-fired power units and the integration and demonstration application of the whole process system. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, relevant power generation enterprises)

Column 3 New energy system projects.

1. Renewable Energy: Newly built about 8 million kW offshore wind power projects such as Yangjiang Sand Grill, Shanwei Jiazi, Shantou Lemen, Jieyang Shenquan, Huizhou Port, Zhanjiang Wailuo, Zhuhai Jinwan, etc. Construction of about 12 million kW offshore wind power projects such as Yangjiang Qingzhou, Yangjiang Fanshi, Shanwei Red Bay and Zhuhai Gaolan. The new solar photovoltaic power generation project is about 12 million kilowatts.

2. Nuclear power: add and put into operation the first phase of Huizhou Taipingling Nuclear Power Project; build Lufeng Nuclear Power Unit 5 and 6, and Lianjiang Nuclear Power Phase I project; promote the approval of Huizhou Nuclear Power Unit 3 and 4 and Lufeng Nuclear Power Unit 1 and 2 projects Start; support the addition of Maoming Green Energy Project, Taishan Nuclear Power Unit 5 and 6, and Taishan Second Nuclear Power Project into the relevant national nuclear power planning, support the rolling development of existing site expansion projects such as Lianjiang, Lufeng and Lingao, and promote the preliminary work of planned sites such as Jieyang and Yangxi.

3. Pumped storage: to promote the construction of Meizhou Phase II, Yunfu Shuiyuan Mountain, Shanwei Luhe, Zhaoqing Langjiang, Huizhou Zhongdong, Yangjiang Phase II, Heyuan Centian, Maoming Electric White Pumped Storage Power Station.

4. New energy storage: Promote the construction of new energy storage for new energy generation, promote the layout and construction of independent energy storage power stations as required, add projects such as Foshan Nanhai, Meizhou Wuhua Power Grid Side Independent Energy Storage Power Station, Wanliyang Duanzhou Independent Energy Storage Power Station, encourage industrial and commercial enterprises, industrial parks and other projects to build user side energy storage power stations, and complete and put into operation about 3 million kilowatts of new energy storage by 2025.

5. Coal power: new production of Huadian Fengsheng Shantou, Shenhua Guohua Qingyuan, China Resources Xijiang and other about 13 million kilowatts of coal power. Promote the construction of Huaneng Haimen 5-6 machine, China Resources Haifeng 3-4 machine and other coal power projects.

6. Gas and electricity: newly put into operation about 20 million kilowatts of gas and electricity projects such as Guangzhou Pearl River Phase II, Guangzhou Development Zone East Thermal Power, Yuehua (Huangpu Power Plant) "Gas to Coal", Datang Baochang Thermal Power Expansion, Huizhou Fengda Phase II, etc. Construction of Huaneng Dongguan Xiegang, Guangzhou Development Zengcheng Wanglong, Shenzhen Fuhuade "Big Pressure Small" and other gas and electricity projects.

7. Digital Power Grid: Key projects such as Nansha National "5G Digital Power Grid" Demonstration Zone, Southern Power Grid Digital Production Demonstration-Nansha Mingzhu Bay Starting Area Intelligent Operation and Maintenance System, Guangzhou Optical Storage, Charging and Inspection Integrated Intelligent Charging Station Demonstration Project will be completed, and the construction of demonstration digital power grids in Zhuhai, Hengqin and Songshan Lake in Dongguan will be accelerated.

3. comprehensively build a scientific and economical energy consumption system

(I) strengthen the guarantee of high-quality development and energy use.

Improve the control of total energy consumption and intensity, focus on controlling fossil energy consumption, raw material energy and renewable energy consumption are not included in the control of total energy consumption and intensity, make room for high-quality development, and strengthen support for enhancing the resilience of the industrial chain supply chain. Orderly implementation of major project energy consumption single list, to ensure the national major projects reasonable energy demand. Focus on ten strategic pillar industries and ten strategic emerging industrial clusters, and promote energy consumption factors to tilt towards advanced manufacturing projects with strong industrial drive, advanced technology, green and low-carbon. Strictly control the incremental "two high" projects, encourage and promote the "two high" projects to integrate production capacity through "large and small", "reduction and replacement", and "relocation and upgrading", and resolutely curb high energy consumption, high emissions, Blind development of low-level projects. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy conservation authorities)

(II) vigorously promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas.

We will further promote the upgrading and transformation of energy conservation and carbon reduction in coal power, iron and steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical, chemical and other industries. Build an energy-saving and low-carbon transportation system, adjust and optimize the transportation structure, vigorously promote the electrification of the transportation sector, and promote energy-saving and new energy vehicles and ships. Improve building energy efficiency standards, promote green construction technology and green building materials, and strengthen the demonstration of ultra-low energy consumption and near zero energy consumption buildings. Promote the management of energy consumption quotas in public institutions, and comprehensively carry out the creation of model units for conservation-oriented public institutions. Improve the energy efficiency of new infrastructure such as data centers and 5G, and accelerate the construction of green data centers. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy conservation authorities, relevant enterprises)

(III) speed up the electrification of end-use energy.

In the fields of transportation, construction, industry and commerce, and people's livelihood, we will steadily and orderly promote the substitution of electric energy with good economy, energy conservation and emission reduction benefits, and gradually expand the scope of electric energy substitution. Accelerate the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, vigorously promote the construction of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and accelerate the construction of a moderately advanced, scientific layout, safe and efficient charging network system. By 2025, the province plans to build more than 4500 centralized charging stations and more than 250000 public charging piles. Actively carry out vehicle network interactive demonstration, in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai construction vehicle network interactive charging station V2G demonstration project. Comprehensively promote the construction of port power facilities, and promote the pilot application of electric ships. By 2025, electricity will account for more than 40% of terminal energy consumption. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Exchange Center)

4. the Comprehensive Construction of Energy Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development System

(I) improve the energy science and technology innovation system.

Strengthen innovation capacity and innovation platform construction. Focusing on the R & D and application of technologies such as energy conservation and carbon reduction, new energy, digital and intelligent transformation, we will strengthen industry-university-research cooperation among scientific research institutions, universities, and enterprises, and build a number of world-class energy technology innovation platforms. Promote the construction of advanced energy science and technology laboratories and sub-centers in Guangdong Province, support internationally renowned companies to set up R & D centers in Guangdong, and encourage leading new energy companies to cooperate with leading foreign companies to carry out technological research. Introduce and train high-level talents and innovation teams to enhance energy technology innovation and industrial competitiveness. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities)

Focus on breaking through key core technologies. Aiming at the frontiers of energy technology and industrial change, accelerate the research and development of new energy development, natural gas hydrate, and new power systems, and enhance the ability of continuous innovation in advantageous areas. We will tap the potential of technological innovation from all aspects of the source network, load and storage, vigorously promote the application of a number of key technologies and major equipment, support the rapid development of new energy, and promote the construction of new power systems. Encourage cities to introduce special support policies, increase support for the development of core equipment in the fields of nuclear energy, gas turbines, offshore wind power, photovoltaic power generation, hydrogen energy, smart grid, carbon capture utilization and storage, and rely on key projects to promote energy technology and equipment research and industrial chain integration development. Strengthen the integration of production, education, research and application, encourage the development of classified demonstrations of technologies and application scenarios, and the first (set) of major technical equipment demonstrations, and improve the independent and controllable level of core technical equipment. We will promote the integration of digital technology into the links of energy production, transportation, storage, marketing and use, build a digital and intelligent innovative application system in all links of the energy system, and promote the improvement of the total factor productivity of the energy system. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, relevant enterprises)

(II) to build a trillion new energy industry cluster.

Bigger and stronger advantageous industries. We will expand and strengthen the offshore wind power equipment manufacturing industry, accelerate the formation of a high-end equipment manufacturing base integrating the whole machine manufacturing and the manufacturing of key components such as blades, motors, gearboxes and bearings, as well as the processing and production of large steel structures and submarine cables, and lay out the offshore wind power operation and maintenance base in advance. Continuously expand the solar energy industry, support photovoltaic equipment, inverters, packaging, slurry and other enterprises to become bigger and stronger, focus on supporting the production of high-efficiency and low-cost crystalline silicon solar cells and the manufacture of key equipment, and promote the research and development of advanced technologies such as perovskite and laminated cells, flexible thin film cells, and photovoltaic module recycling. Reinforce the short board of core equipment such as battery chips, enhance the independent production capacity of high-efficiency battery chip manufacturing equipment, and strengthen the photovoltaic industry chain. Promote the layout of the advanced nuclear energy industry, relying on advanced scientific research platforms such as the Huizhou accelerator-driven transmutation research device and the high-current heavy ion accelerator device, the Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Advanced Energy Science and Technology, and the Jiangmen Neutrino Experimental Station, and continue to promote the development of the advanced nuclear energy industry. Give full play to the industrial agglomeration effect, promote the upstream and downstream of the nuclear technology application industry chain to gather in Guangdong, take CGN as the leader, build a complete industrial chain of nuclear energy research and development, design, construction, management and operation services, promote the construction of Shenzhen nuclear power research and development headquarters, Huizhou non-nuclear test research base and Yangjiang component test base, and improve the nuclear power industrial bases in Nansha and Longgang, Shenzhen. Relying on projects such as distributed gas energy in Songshan Lake North District of Dongguan and distributed gas energy in Banfu Town of Zhongshan, the first demonstration application of domestic H-25 series gas turbines will be promoted, and the gas turbine operation and maintenance center will be built relying on Nansha Base of Dongfang Electric. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, relevant enterprises)

Cultivate and strengthen emerging industries. Vigorously develop the energy storage industry, build a new energy storage manufacturing innovation center in the province, and promote the construction of collaborative demonstration bases and large-scale empirical bases for production, research and application. Strengthen the industrialization technology of new energy storage batteries, optimize the regional layout of lithium battery manufacturing, key materials, system integration and equipment manufacturing, and battery recycling industries, enhance the degree of agglomeration of the entire industry chain, and support the research and development and industrialization of sodium-ion energy storage battery technology. Innovate the operation mode of energy storage projects and strengthen the construction of energy storage standard system. Promote the application of compressed air, flywheel energy storage and other new energy storage technology breakthrough. Focus on the research and development of hydrogen energy core technologies and advanced equipment manufacturing, and accelerate the cultivation of the entire industry chain from hydrogen preparation, storage and transportation, fuel cell stacks, key components and power system integration. Multi-channel increase hydrogen supply capacity, moderately ahead of the construction of hydrogen storage and transportation plus infrastructure, the use of low-temperature hydrogen fuel cell industry first-mover advantage, the formation of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Foshan-Dongguan ring Greater Bay Area core area of the automotive fuel cell industry cluster. To meet the needs of the technological progress of flexible DC transmission and the development of digital transformation of power grids, we will promote the localization of core equipment such as small and micro sensors and high-power electronic devices, vigorously develop industries such as power-specific chips, intelligent sensing, communication and IOT, intelligent terminals, power big data, and integration of intelligent transmission, transformation and distribution projects, and expand the industrial chain of smart grids. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, relevant enterprises)

Column 4 Energy Technology Industry Projects

1. Scientific and technological innovation: increase support for the development of core equipment in the fields of nuclear energy, gas turbines, offshore wind power, photovoltaic power generation, hydrogen energy, smart grid, carbon capture, utilization and storage, and enhance the independent and controllable level of core technology and equipment.

2. Advantageous industries: Promote the construction of Yangjiang annual output of 200 sets of offshore wind power blade manufacturing base, "four integration" offshore wind power equipment manufacturing industrial park project, Aixu high-efficiency crystalline silicon N-type solar cell project, cadmium telluride photovoltaic power generation glass expansion project.

3. Emerging Industries: Promote the construction of Ganfeng Lithium Battery (Dongguan) Company's annual output of 10GWh new lithium battery and energy storage headquarters project, lithium battery diaphragm production and manufacturing base, Candela flywheel energy storage system production and construction project, high-performance lithium battery material project, National Electric Investment South China Hydrogen Energy Industry Base Project, and Zhongke Fuhai Zhongshan Large Low Temperature Equipment Manufacturing Industry Base Project.

5. comprehensively build a modern energy governance system

(I) and improve the system of energy regulations and standards.

Strengthen the construction of the rule of law for high-quality energy development, revise and improve local laws and regulations in the energy field, improve the energy legal and regulatory system that meets the needs of high-quality energy development, and promote the revision of the Guangdong Province Refined Oil Circulation Management Regulations and the Guangdong Province Air Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations. Enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of laws and regulations. Research and revise technical standards and safety standards in the fields of clean and efficient thermal power, renewable energy power generation, nuclear power, energy storage, hydrogen energy, clean energy heating, new power systems, etc., improve the level of energy standardization, and promote standards in the fields of solar power generation and wind power Internationalization, support industry associations and leading enterprises to take the lead in researching and developing local standards, industry standards and corporate standards. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities)

(II) further promote the reform of the energy system.

Adhere to the direction of energy market reform, comprehensively form an energy operation management system and mechanism of "liberalizing the two ends and managing the middle", and improve the energy price formation mechanism. Further deepen the reform of electricity marketization, comprehensively build a "medium-and long-term spot auxiliary service" electricity market system, and actively build and improve the electricity spot market. Establish a unified, multi-level power market system, promote the construction of the southern regional power market, and achieve efficient coordination and organic convergence of power markets at different levels. Improve the market trading mechanism conducive to the priority use of renewable energy, promote green power trading, and support the independent participation of emerging market entities such as microgrids, distributed power generation, energy storage and load aggregators in the power market. Promote the market-oriented reform of natural gas, improve the natural gas price formation mechanism, strengthen the fair and open supervision of oil and gas pipeline networks, and continue to promote the opening of natural gas infrastructure to third parties. (Provincial Energy Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Exchange Center, relevant oil and gas enterprises)

(III) deepen the reform of "letting go.

Continue to promote decentralization in the energy sector, and continue to entrust or delegate administrative licensing matters. We will further optimize the business environment in the energy sector, continuously improve the service level of "access to electricity" by benchmarking international advanced tables, further shorten the time for enterprises to obtain electricity, and reduce the cost of energy consumption. Remove all kinds of obstacles and hidden barriers that restrict market competition, implement the negative list system for market access, and support all kinds of market entities to enter the energy field other than the negative list on an equal footing in accordance with the law. Optimize the approval and filing process of clean and low-carbon energy projects, and simplify the management procedures of distributed energy investment projects. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Exchange Center)

(IV) improve the energy safety supervision system.

Establish and improve the energy industry data statistics system, improve the energy security monitoring and early warning system, strengthen the energy industry operation monitoring and analysis. Formulate energy emergency plans under extreme circumstances to enhance the ability to deal with major natural disasters and emergencies. Establish and improve the energy supply security risk identification and control system, improve the hidden danger investigation and management system. Strengthen the management and control of dangerous sources and high consequence areas of risk points of long-distance oil and gas pipelines, and do a good job in the safety protection of oil and gas pipelines. Strengthen emergency drills and improve rapid response capabilities. (Provincial Energy Bureau, municipal energy authorities, relevant energy enterprises)

6. comprehensively build a mutually beneficial and win-win energy cooperation system

(I) actively plan for foreign power transmission.

Actively coordinate the supply and increase of external power supply, ensure the implementation of the power transmission agreement plan from the west to the east, and stabilize the capacity of power transmission from the west to the east. Plan medium-and long-term external clean power supply, speed up the approval and commencement of power transmission projects from southeast Tibet to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area, strive for the integration of the first and second power transmission projects of the Southern Power Grid into the national plan and promote their implementation, actively carry out the preliminary work of power transmission from Qinghai clean energy base to Guangdong, and support the research and demonstration of power transmission from Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia clean energy base to Guangdong. Support the interconnection with the power grids of neighboring provinces and regions, and enhance the ability of emergency mutual protection (Provincial Energy Bureau, relevant municipal energy authorities, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, and relevant energy enterprises)

(II) support coal and coal power joint venture, coal power and new energy joint venture.

In accordance with the principle of "market-oriented, enterprise voluntary", promote the cooperation and joint operation of coal and coal power, coal power and new energy enterprises. Encourage and support electric power enterprises in our province to carry out joint ventures with coal enterprises in other provinces, achieve complementary advantages through project joint ventures, one-way or cross-shareholding, and enhance the ability to guarantee the supply of thermal coal. Support the complementary development of coal power and new energy, unified delivery and unified scheduling, improve the utilization rate of delivery channels, enhance the capacity of new energy consumption, and establish a joint venture model that takes into account the flexibility of coal power and the low-carbon nature of new energy. (Provincial Energy Bureau, relevant municipal energy authorities, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, relevant energy enterprises)

(III) deepening regional energy cooperation.

Strengthen cooperation with countries and regions rich in energy resources, and actively introduce energy resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Introduce a group of internationally renowned professional traders to expand and strengthen energy import and re-export trade, and form a fixed-point, quantitative and stable supply model. We will support the combination of "bringing in" and "going out" of energy enterprises in the province, absorb and absorb international advanced technologies in the energy field, and strive to break through the problem of "sticking neck" of key and core technologies. Support the active deployment of key countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", carry out bilateral and multilateral cooperation, and expand the energy market. (Provincial Energy Bureau, relevant municipal energy authorities, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, relevant energy enterprises)

7. safeguard measures

(I) strengthen the organization and implementation.

Relying on the provincial energy major project construction headquarters, the provincial guarantee power supply coordination leading group, the provincial coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation coordination mechanism and other overall organization and implementation of high-quality energy development work. All localities and cities should establish and improve the coordination mechanism for high-quality energy development, clarify the division of responsibilities, refine the work plan, carefully organize and implement it, strengthen the coordination and linkage of provinces, cities, departments, government and enterprises, coordinate and solve outstanding problems in a timely manner, and ensure the implementation of various tasks and measures.

(II) increased policy support.

Improve relevant support policies for high-quality energy development, promote the implementation of key tasks such as energy security, energy green and low-carbon transformation, major energy project construction, and energy system and mechanism reform, promote the improvement of energy price policies, improve energy market mechanisms, and implement renewable energy consumption Responsibility weighting policy, promote the implementation of green power market transactions and certification policies, implement financial support, and strengthen the protection of land, forest, sea, energy consumption, environmental assessment and other factors.

(III) strengthen project construction.

Optimize the investment structure, strengthen project reserves, promote the construction of major projects in an orderly manner, and form a circular and sustainable development trend of "one batch of reserves, one batch of construction, one batch of production", and strive to incorporate more projects into national planning and provincial key projects plan. Adhere to the principle that resources follow the project, increase the guarantee of the elements of major projects, and strengthen the supervision, management and guidance services for the whole process of major project construction.

(IV) strict supervision and evaluation.

In accordance with the development goals, main tasks and division of responsibilities determined in the implementation plan, establish an information feedback and evaluation mechanism, and regularly schedule the implementation progress. Summarize and evaluate the high-quality development of energy in combination with the annual work progress, organize supervision and evaluation in due course, and give full play to the guiding role of experts and social evaluation in promoting the high-quality development of energy.

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